Monday, November 24, 2014

Building Native American Homes- Part One

We started constructing our Native American Villages today! The students have been collecting items from home to use for this project.
They have a rubric to follow with specifics of what their village must include.
Before beginning construction, the students illustrated a "blueprint" of their design.

Learning can get messy!

Really messy.....

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Subtraction Using the Traditional Strategy

Enjoy this sweet tutorial by Stephen on how to subtract using the Traditional Strategy. These kiddos continue to amaze me each day!
Stephen's Math Video

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Animal Unit Vocabulary and Study Guide

As we are coming to the end of our Animal Unit, we are reviewing the vocabulary and adaptions of animals we have learned about. Your child has this in their Science "I Wonder" journal. Please begin reviewing this at home. Our test will be at the end of next week. A review will go home by Tuesday. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Captain Sadler Day

We had a great time at our 'at school fieldtrip'! The students enjoyed hearing Native American legends, getting their faces painted with war paint symbols, dressing up in Native American attire for pictures, playing with colonial day toys, candle dipping, Tin typing, and making necklaces using items similar to the Native Americans.
Enjoy the pictures from our day. They should receive their Native American dress-up pictures soon!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Breanna Solves Base 10 Subtraction

Please enjoy and learn from Breanna's tutorial on using Base 10 to solve the subtraction problem. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Weekly Update and Native American Presentations

Weekly Newsletter

I hope you all had a great weekend!
A few reminders for this week...
Tuesday- Election Day- No School
Wednesday- Math 4 Today Test
Thursday- SC Dailies Test

No Written Math Homework this week and No Spelling Words! :)

I am still in need of one wonderful parent volunteer for our Captain Sadler experience on Friday. If you are available, we would greatly appreciate your help!!!

Our wonderful crew worked so hard on their PowerPoint Presentations over the past couple of weeks. Below are links to each of the presentations. Enjoy.
