I am eager to begin our mini-PBL on showing Acts of Kindness. We are reading two beautiful literary texts based on the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. Through reading the texts,
Martin's Big Words and My
Big Brother Martin, we will learn how authors develop strong characters to influence texts and we will also look at the central message of the text. With MLK Holiday quickly approaching, we thought it would be the perfect time to discuss the importance of standing firm in beliefs on individuals being treated fairly and showing kindness and love toward everyone.
The students will discuss possibilities of an act of kindness we can do as a class. I am eager to see their ideas come to life.
We listen to the song,
Brave often in class and I think it is a perfect song for our lessons next week. Because of the bravery Martin Luther King, Jr. had, we are all able to live in a world together and each day we can work to make it a kinder place to live.