Monday, February 23, 2015

Wonder Time

Check out this wonder from Wonderopolis! Our students will be researching this wonder during literacy stations this week. 
What Does a Conductor Do? 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to the sweetest students a teacher could ever ask for. I hope you all have a sweet weekend!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Explorer Dairies

Our Crew has been busy researching the lives of a few famous European explorers. After researching, we thought it would be fun to write a diary from their perspective. The students had to include correct dates, factual information, and also a few fun and quirky things. I was amazed, as always, with the products!
Why should I explain and encourage you to read? They created their own persuasive summaries that will make you want to jump into the screen and grab a dairy!
Find their amazing summaries on our KidBlog site on our main tool bar. Thanks for clicking!