Thursday, October 29, 2015

Come on, Rain!

Today we read the beautiful book, Come on Rain by Karrn Hesse.
"... And just like that, rain comes. The first drops plop down big, making dust dance all around us. Then a deeper gray descends and the air cooks and the clouds burst, and suddenly rain is everywhere. "Come on rain!" we shout." 
These young authors took this assignment and ran with it. They are working on rough drafts now. We are discussing the editing process, just as an author does. They will type their final products on their iPads and then print for a more 'professional' look. :) 

Here are a few sneak peek quotes: 

"In that scolding heat wave, my clothes were trapping the scolding heat. Then out of nowhere iceberg cold rain came falling down."

"One day when it was scolding hot like a day at the desert..."

This is two examples from their FIRST draft! There are some talented boys and girls in Room 303!

Of course, I had to set aside some time to be creative myself. I believe sometimes the form of best teaching is leading by example. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Authentic Writing

This is authentic and meaningful writing at its finest! Hunter is very knowledgable on the topic and knows there is a big need to help. I'm honored to be his teacher! 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Changes in Earth's Surface Charades

We had a little fun reviewing our science vocabulary today! Charades anyone?
Shawn is shaking and rolling causing damage to the Earth's surface! - Earthquake

Tyler is carrying weathered material away from its sources and laying it down or depositing it in a new location! - Deposition

Hudson is moving weathered material. - Erosion

Maile is exploding with ash, cinders, and hot gas! - Volcanic Eruption

Benjamin is shaking and rolling Earth's surface! - Earthquake

Jackson is showing the water quickly covering land that is usually dry! -Flooding

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sweet Treat

Being a student at Oakland has some pretty sweet benefits! Thank you to our principals for our dessert after lunch today! This was a treat because of our awesome efforts with Boosterthon! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Links to Extend Learning at Home

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We have a busy week ahead in 3rd grade. Please refer to the newsletter for upcoming tests and an overview of what we are learning in each subject.

As a reminder, Boosterthon pledge money is due Friday. You can pay by check in the envelope provided in your child’s folder or you can pay by credit card online where you submitted the pledges.

We have used a few resources so far this week to increase our learning in Science and Social Studies. This Blendspace was created by a fabulous fellow 3rd grade teacher. We viewed the first four slides today. Our SC Dailies Wk 4 – Monday question asked us about the South Carolina state seal. The students were provided this link in their google drive to learn more about it.

I invite you to view both at home to extend our classroom to home connection.

Earth’s Changes Blendspace

South Carolina State Seal Information:

Boosterthon Fun

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Awesome Landform Projects

These students and their creativity continue to amaze me each day. Check out their fabulous landform projects. Their presentations were wonderful!