"... And just like that, rain comes. The first drops plop down big, making dust dance all around us. Then a deeper gray descends and the air cooks and the clouds burst, and suddenly rain is everywhere. "Come on rain!" we shout."
These young authors took this assignment and ran with it. They are working on rough drafts now. We are discussing the editing process, just as an author does. They will type their final products on their iPads and then print for a more 'professional' look. :)
Here are a few sneak peek quotes:
"In that scolding heat wave, my clothes were trapping the scolding heat. Then out of nowhere iceberg cold rain came falling down."
"One day when it was scolding hot like a day at the desert..."
This is two examples from their FIRST draft! There are some talented boys and girls in Room 303!
Of course, I had to set aside some time to be creative myself. I believe sometimes the form of best teaching is leading by example.