Friday, January 15, 2016

Feature Articles

It is so rewarding when you use various types of genres and then witness your students writing their own! We have read feature articles a lot this year. After researching an animal of their choice, the students began writing their own feature article using noticings from mentor articles.
As you can see, our young authors are using multiple resources to make their writing informative and fun to read. I can't wait to share their finished products! 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Back to life... Back to reality!

Room 303 was awfully quiet this morning! We had lots of sleepy heads. There is hardly an ounce of oxygen in the class after all the yawning! The good news is, we all LOVE each other so much. Although I enjoyed my days of sleeping in, drinking my coffee while relaxing in my pjs on the couch, and spending time with my family, I missed these kiddos terribly! I am so thankful to be back to school and making an impact in your children's lives! Thank you, as always, for sharing them with me!
She's posing for the picture, acting like this work is SO fun! haha!
Really? I just want to eat my goldfish. my eyes are burning. Give me my bed! 
He's thrilled to be with his teacher!
Learning is awesome!
Hey, it's not so bad! We love each other and school is cool! Yay for the 2nd half of 3rd grade!