Tuesday, August 5, 2014

As Promised...

Another busy day in the classroom, a short lunch break with my sweet friend, Mrs. Allen, and a trip to the District Office to share my passion for teaching with first year teachers. I will have to say this was a great day!  
There are still a few details left and one BIG one, the outside bulletin board. Other than that, stick a fork in it! It's done! What a relief! 

View from the door

View of the front of the room. This big rug will be where we will meet for our community building, shared reading, mini-lessons, pretty much it's like the family room of the house! 

This is the view from the front of the room.

I tried my best to make our desks look more like tables! 

This board is ready for your original work!
It also includes our CAFE menu. I'm excited to share this with you!  

Sit back and relax with a good book!

This spot is my ultimate favorite spot in the room, the guided reading table and the writing center materials. 

Tweet Tweet! I can't wait to share your knowledge with the world! 

That's all for now, kiddos! Hope you enjoyed your mini tour! See you Wednesday, August 13th! 


  1. You have been busy, busy! Your room looks wonderful! What a great place for learning! :)
