Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday Giveaway!

Pretty amazing stuff is popping up on our blog! The students are working so hard and I am eager to showcase it. Our blog serves multiple purposes:
  • A Window to our Classroom! I consider myself pretty blessed to spend my day with these amazing 3rd graders. By clicking on our blog you can feel like you have spent a portion of our day with us.
  • At Home Resources! Solve the math problem using base 10 strategy? What? That could be a question you are trying to answer at home. Click on our blog to view the "Show Me" app. Adaptations? Physical... Behavioral? Trying to study with your child but just can't seem to explain what they need to know... Click on the BlendSpace links. Utilizing our blog as a resource at home is like having Mrs. Daniel over for dinner and homework! :)
  •  Family Members! Do you have family that live out of town? Give them our blog address and they can see what their beloved third grader is up to!
Drum Roll Please....
I want our students to check the blog daily. I have an idea that will provide a LITTLE incentive! Every so often (without notification), I will post some type of Free Giveaway. They must complete the assignment by the following morning in order to receive it.

Tonight's Challenge:
Tell me one of your favorite blog posts from the school year by commenting on this post.
(You do need a GMail account in order to comment. This is as simple as creating a free email address with Google).
Comment by Friday morning to receive a FREE HOMEWORK PASS!


  1. William Scott - My favorite blog post is "Meet Amelia and King". I love learning about the sea turtles and their adaptations. I'm looking forward to working in the technology station tomorrow!

  2. William, reading this post brightened my morning at 6:30am! It makes me so happy to hear that you are looking forward to working in our Daily 5 stations tomorrow! Thank you for being an awesome Oakland All*Star!

  3. Congratulations to William, Hannah, Abigail, and Harrison for winning the FREE HOMEWORK PASS!!! Check back all next week for another FREE Giveaway!!!

  4. I looooove your fabulous!!!!
