Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Native American Fun

We are in Day 2 of working on presentations. These kiddos have found more templates and font styles on PowerPoint than I ever have! I am so impressed with how they are working together to choose templates, fonts, and organizing who will type each section. 
While 3 groups are creating their PowerPoints the other groups are working on a writing piece, telling a story of a child in their tribe. They are using a variety of Native American texts and their research to strengthen their writing. 
I love being the "guide on the side" and witnessing this amazing learning take place. 

Animal Research and Blended Learning

We are beginning our Animal Research Projects. The students are learning about six animals in various habitats, with very different adaptions, but all share one commonality- they are endangered.
Through their research and reading mentor texts, our students will write feature articles to share information about their animal and raise awareness on how we can help protect their habitats. 

Research can get messy! We ask that you enter our classroom with caution! 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Native American PowerPoint Presentstions

Our friends are creating their first PowerPoint presentations to share their knowledge of the Catawba, Cherokee, and Yemassee Tribes with the class.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Weekly Update

I hope you all had a great, long weekend!

Please refer to our Newsletter for upcoming tests, events, and an overview of what we are learning this week.

This week is Red Ribbon Week at OES!

Monday- Bulldog Spirit Day
Tuesday- Dress for Success
Wednesday- School Spirit Day
Thursday- College, University, and Military Day
Friday- Career Dream Day

Weekly Newsletter

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Free Giveaway!

Write "Lunch Outside" under Tuesday in your homework planner and you will get a FREE PASS TO EAT LUNCH OUTSIDE!!! :)
Let's enjoy this weather while we can!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Building a Habitat for a Sea Turtle

On Tuesday, our crew built the perfect habitat for a sea turtle. Ellison and Wyatt blogged about the experience. Click on the links to see what they had to say!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Mystery Reader Reads a Sneaky Tale

Mrs. Hill, Ellison's mom, stopped by today to read The Spider and The Fly. We enjoyed hearing the *sPaRkLe* words throughout the story, since we as authors are using those in our own writing. The moral of the story is to not to fall for those smooth-talkers, they are most likely tricking you into something!
Thanks for coming to read to us!

If you would like to be our next Mystery Reader, please let me know!