Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kid Blog Update

Our Kid Blog site has reached over 10,000 page views!!!! I am so thrilled to see our young authors reaching out to a LARGE audience across the US! Way to go, Mrs.Daniel's Crew!!!
Image result for kidblog

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Charleston Memories

Our much anticipated fieldtrip to Charleston, SC has come and gone, but I am sure the memories will last forever.
  My love for sea turtles sparked after reading The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe several years ago. The author is an environmentalist from Charleston with a passion for our state reptile, the loggerhead sea turtle. In her series, she writes about the sea turtle hospital. Of course, it has been on my 'bucket list' ever since. I could not have chosen a better group of students to learn along side as we researched and raised money for these gentle giants. Meeting Yawkey, the rare leatherback, was a once in a lifetime opportunity. She was released soon after we left that day. I think she arrived and departed just in the right time frame for us to meet her, and we are so glad we did! 
We hope our contributions to the sea turtle hospital will help heal these sweet loggerheads pictured below. 

    My husband and I visited Boone Hall Plantation the day after we were married in Charleston. This place has a special place in my heart. I was excited to return nearly 7 years later with 20 children that have completely stolen my heart. I am so thankful for their eagerness to learn each day.
Boone Hall served as our kick off for our next inquiry based unit on the Civil War.  Stay tuned to learn more! I am really excited about our upcoming unit! 

To read more Charleston Memories from our amazing group of authors, click on our Kid Blog link! They are thrilled to expand their audience outside of our classroom and across the world.